The Company. Our Core Values. Our Beliefs.

We’ve got the tools

We use and continually source the most technically advanced tools to enhance our customers ROI.

75+ Years Experience

We have over 75 years experience in the IT, Software and Database design and management arenas.

Technical Support

Our clients are our priority.  We have several technical support packages to meet your support needs.

KCM Software, Inc., based in Sarasota, Florida, focuses on creating proprietary technology solutions that exceed our client’s expectations.

The areas that we focus on as a company are:

  1. Understanding the client’s vision
    1. We work to gain clarity of the client’s vision so that we and the client are in agreement before a project begins and throughout the life cycle of the project.
  2.  Communication
    1. We work to fully understand the scope of the project and use the necessary tool sets to be able to show our clients that we understand their vision and maintain the client as an integral part of our team throughout the project.
  3. Results
    1. We work to use the most advanced technological tools to ensure that the client’s working solution exceeds their expectations while being the most secure and robust solution possible.

Wayne KesslerWayne Kessler
KCM Software, Inc.

© 2006 - 2023 KCM Software, Inc.